Dear Me In 3 Years
Dear me in 3 years, you will be 22 years old, a legal and grown woman; the world will not only look at you differently but your family and society will too and it is in your power to make the right choices and decisions in your life; and you don’t have to be a saint or the most ethical person out there, just be the most authentic you as possible. You have the full freedom to do whatever you heart desires but in bid to achieve and fulfill the life of liberty and self-fulfillment that you have been seeking for a long time, you will have to do things that may scare you; things that make you take the leap of faith and to step off the comfort zone to seek what is on the other side of the doubts, pessimistic thoughts that you may have from time to time but bear in mind you will overcome the gloom-ridden clouds in your head. I hope you will never stop the soul-searching, self-reflecting and self-analyzing that you always do and never stop searching for mental clarity fo...