
Showing posts from October, 2020

Things to know about Anxiety!

  How To Cope With Anxiety  Anxiety  is  a  natural,  mostly  safe,  feeling.  However,  when  an  individual  is  frequently  exhibiting  disproportionate  amounts  of  distress,  it  can  become  a  medical  problem.  Anxiety  disorders  are  a  type  of  mental  health  condition  that  leads  to  extreme  nervousness,  panic,  anticipations. Know that feeling when you get nervous about presenting your work in front of people and your palms get sweaty as well as your hands are trembling, yes, that's anxiety, don't worry it is an utterly normal feeling as I do get them too when I have to sit for finals exams or delivering a speech or presentation as it can send me off to feeling over the edge at times.   Anxiety  is  a  natural,  mostly  safe,  feel...