Things to know about Anxiety!

 How To Cope With Anxiety 

Anxiety is 
natural, mostly safe, feeling. 
However, when an individual is frequently exhibiting disproportionate 
amounts of distress, it can become medical problem. 
Anxiety disorders are type of mental health condition 
that leads to extreme nervousness, panic, anticipations. Know that feeling when you get nervous about presenting your work in front of people and your palms get sweaty as well as your hands are trembling, yes, that's anxiety, don't worry it is an utterly normal feeling as I do get them too when I have to sit for finals exams or delivering a speech or presentation as it can send me off to feeling over the edge at times.


Anxiety is 
natural, mostly safe, feeling. 
However, when an individual is frequently exhibiting disproportionate 
amounts of distress, it can become medical problem. 
Anxiety disorders are type of mental health condition 
that leads to extreme nervousness, panic, anticipations. Know that feeling when you get nervous about presenting your work in front of people and your palms get sweaty as well as your hands are trembling, yes, that's anxiety, don't worry it is an utterly normal feeling as I do get them too when I have to sit for finals exams or delivering a speech or presentation as it can send me off to feeling over the edge at times. 

Anxiety --- our body's natural response to stress 

Being able to identify what triggers your feelings or you in general indeed does take time as everyone goes through life at their own pace and there's no need to rush things especially when it comes to your feelings, this is no competition or race! It's just you being you, whilst learning how to navigate through life at your own time and pace. Finding out what triggers you take a lot of self-reflection as well and you need time to process your feelings to do just that, so do it when you have the time and space given! 


1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterised by chronic 
and intense fear about variety of different topics. 
People with GAD may expect disasters and may be 
unnecessarily worried about finances, health, families, jobs, or other issues. 
Individuals with GAD find it 
impossible to manage their concerns. Below are some of the ways you can overcome GAD!

Talk to Someone You Trust 

Anxiety will cause one to feel that we are alone with our 
experience and that no one will be ablto connect to us. 
not real. 
Find trustworthy one to 
speak to you about your problems. 
Share the experiences you're grappling with influential people in 
your life, and don't be afraid to start up a dialogue.

Just Laugh!
Anxiety threatens to strip us of pleasure and 
to get us in the way of having fun. 
Remember to nurture your 
longing for pleasure and laughter. 
You can find comedy in 
novels, on TV, or online. 
Taking moment to laugh and have fun will bring 
friendly reminder that there is no need for anxiety.

Learn & Face Your Triggers!

As you exercise calming down and being more vigilant, it would be helpful 
for you to pay attention to circumstances that appear to cause your anxiety. 
While it won't always be choice to eliminate these stimuli, being conscious of them 
will help you gain insight and take action to reduce tension in those particular circumstances. I know it may seem terrifying at first to face your triggers but keep in mind that you are strong and you are doing what most wish they could accomplished or even start and yet you are doing it! So be proud you are taking the necessary steps in a bid for a better mental health. 

Learning cognitive ways to question your fear will improve, such as disseminating 
nervous thoughts and winding down the need to keep thinking "what if."

2. Social Phobia or (Social Anxiety Disorder)

Social anxiety is the apprehension of 
social interactions requiring contact with others. 
You might conclude that social anxiety is the fear and 
anxiety of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people. 
It is pervasive condition that induces anxiety that 
apprehension in most aspects of person 's life.

What causes social anxiety?

While you may believe like you are the only 
one with this dilemma, social anxiety is generally very normal. 
Many people are 
grappling with these concerns. 
But conditions that give rise to signs 
of social anxiety disorder can be different. 

Any people are feeling 
anxiety in most social settings. 
For others, fear is attributed to particular social circumstances, such as 
speaking to strangers, mingling at events, or playing in front of crowds. One of the few most 
opular causes of 
social anxiety include:
  1. Meeting new people
  2. Making small talk with someone 
  3. Public speaking
  4. Taking exams 
  5. Going on a date
  6. Speaking up in a meeting 

Ways to cope with it! 

Learn to control your breathing
There are lot of changes that 
happen in your body as you get nervous. 
One of the first improvements is 
that you start to breathe rapidly. 
Overbreathing (hyperventilation) dissolves the equilibrium of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body — leading 
to more acute signs of anxiety, such as dizziness, suffocation, elevated heart rate, and muscle stress. 

Learning to calm your breathing will 
help to reintroduce your physical signs of anxiety

Try to be more social with people

I know that it may seem like a hard thing to do but remember a small effort goes a long way so actively searching for positive social spaces is another successful 
way to challenge your fears and conquer social anxieties. 
The following ideas are helpful ways 
to start communicating favourably with others: 

Taking class of cognitive 
skills or class of assertiveness. 
These courses are also provided in 
nearby adult education centres or community colleges. 

Volunteer doing things you like, like walking puppies in 
rescue, or packing envelopes for campaign — anything you like.

You focus on 
your listening skills. 
Good connexions rely 
on direct, emotionally-intelligent contact. 
If you find it tough to relate to others, 
learning the fundamental skills of emotional intelligence will improve.

 Implement an anti-anxiety lifestyle

Mind and body are fundamentally linked — and more and more research shows that how you handle your body will 
have profound impact on your level of anxiety, your ability to control signs of anxiety, and your general self-confidence.

Although lifestyle improvements alone are not enough to resolve social phobia 
or social anxiety disorder, they will help the overall recovery success. 
The following lifestyle tips will help you alleviate your 
general anxiety and set the tone for effective recovery. 

Stop or restrict caffeine – Coffee tea, soda and 
energy drinks serve as stimulants that enhance the effects of anxiety. 
Try absolutely cutting out caffeine or holding 
the dose minimal and confined to the morning.

Get adequate quality sleep –  Now I know that most of us are guilty of this, but if you're 
deprived of sleep, you're more vulnerable to anxiety. 
Well-rested will help you 
remain relaxed in social circumstances.

Be active — Make physical exercise 
priority—30 minutes day, if necessary. 
If you hate to practise, consider pairing it with something you love, such 
as window shopping while wandering around the mall or dancing to your favourite songs.

P.S.: Hope these tips did help y'all out there, remember you're not alone and we are all in this together. :)

Written by: Evy (Head of StudentInk) 😎👽👾🤖👻




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