How my first year in college has been pretty least up until now!

My First Year in College

:) How my first year in college has been pretty least up until now!

So you're probably reading the title and going, " Bryan, you can't be serious right? " Well, unfortunately...I'm sorry to say that I actually am. Yes, I know it's only my third semester and everything's basically been done online since March 18th but who cares? It's technically still considered college, so that's a first. Secondly, it's not as "online" as it might initially sound.

Let's rewind to Orientation Day back in early March this year. Oh god, what an awful day that was. It was, quite possibly, one of the most boring couples of hours in my entire life. Without a doubt right up there with some of the event rehearsals, I'd done in secondary school. I mean, I couldn't even sit still throughout the whole thing, and the food and the campus tour just piled on more misery, to be honest. I said to myself that if this was what's to come once classes kicked into gear, then it'd be a real struggle for me to keep pace with the pressures of college life.

Of course...deep down in me, I knew that I was about to get what I wanted in regards to the Covid-19 cases that were on the rise at that time. And on March 18th, bingo. The inevitable occurred. The Movement Control Order was implemented, converting all classes online until further notice. Was it a shame that it happened? Absolutely. My reaction? We'll just leave it at that; the details aren't particularly necessary.

A breeze it was, huh? Indeed, that was exactly the way it turned out. Sleeping and waking up later than usual, having notes right at your fingertips for tests and quizzes, and only two courses to worry about. Nothing, honestly, could go wrong. I guess my introverted character also kinda helped me through the whole of semester 1 and A* and A is basically a breeze right?

So test scores, assignments, and projects, no problem. Though I did stumble a little bit through semester 2 (check out my previous post for more details), the same narrative played out more or less but one application form simply took it to another level. Signing up to be part of the INTI Mass Communications Society and joining its virtual meetings hosted by some of the craziest, enthusiastic, and outgoing people I've ever met remains one of the most unbelievable things I've done this year. And you could say that my college life took off from there, really.

A couple of months later and into my third semester, who would've thought that a weird, introverted 16-year-old kid like me would take up a major role in a Society, meet a bunch of new friends, and perhaps most shockingly enjoy college. Certainly not myself. I'd chopped your hand off and called you delusional if you'd said that these things would happen to me at the start of the year. But guess what though? It's all true, and I can only hope to god that it lasts for as long as it can get.

Written by: Bryan Ng, fellow (Student INK writer) πŸ‘½


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