Grateful for 2020!

Grateful for 2020

2020. When we think of that year, you would associate or categorize it as one of the worst years we have ever experienced in our lives—and many would wholeheartedly agree.

Yes, the virus has left many irreversible negative consequences in our lives. And living our lives hating the outcome of 2020 could work, but it’ll eventually be a tiring habit.

From the sudden mandatory isolation, all with the fear of an unknown virus, to boredom due to the sudden change in our lifestyles, it’s safe to say that we have learned a lot from needing to adapt to a new environment.

Everyone has their own coping methods; some opted to fill their days learning new things—instruments, languages, skills; not to forget, many have discovered new things about themselves.

The isolation has given us the opportunity to take a break from the busy schedules in our lives and think of the various aspects in our lives that we appreciate or struggle with.

If we thought that there were parts of our lives that urgently needed to undergo change, like certain toxicities in our lives, the isolation was undoubtedly an amazing opportunity to alter that. Very often, we tend to overlook our habits that help with working efficiently. But honestly, at times, they usually aren't the healthiest habits.

A handful of us can come out on the other side and proudly acclaim that we have gained a lot of strengths throughout the isolation period. For instance, even something as simple as adapting to the current norm of conducting activities online is an achievement. We have all gotten a hang of working or studying through online portals and have mastered using the various applications and platforms.

On the other hand, if you feel as though you have gained nothing new or useful, it’s completely understandable and perfectly normal! The fact that you’re surviving and pushing through each day deserves recognition and praise. The Internet has made it a norm to be productive during this tough time, either through picking up new hobbies or skills.

We should remain comfortable with non-conforming to society’s standards. Even if we are passing each day with simple tasks of working or studying, then so be it. Don’t feel the need to follow the trend if it’s not your cup of tea.

Also, losing motivation is never something to be ashamed of. In fact, it happens, regardless of we have control over it; we pick ourselves up and find our muse to persevere instead.

The isolation is a tough time, undoubtedly. But on the brighter side, we have emerged as stronger individuals in the end.

Written by: Student INK writer :) 


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