Hidden Marriage of a Celebrity
Hidden Marriage of a Celebrity
Hailey Bieber's "Wanted to Hide" at the Beginning of Her Marriage to Justin Bieber.
Marriage can be hard—especially when you're married to one of the most famous celebrities in
the world. During their September 2018 courthouse wedding, which preceded a bigger
wedding bash one year later, Hailey reminisced that, at that point, Justin was at a stage
in his life where he could make decisions like, "I'm done with girls, and I'm done with
fooling around, and I'm done with partying." She added that their friendship helped
ground their romance. "We had talked about wanting to be married young and having a
family young and building a life. Even before we knew we wanted to be with each
other," she said.
Still, the beginning of their marriage wasn't without its difficulties. "At the beginning of
our marriage, I just wanted to hide. I was like, "I don't want people to be so interested in my business. I
feel like everybody's always in about my life," she told ELLE.
About a year ago, the cyberbullying intensified to the point where she decided to
indefinitely turn off public comments on Instagram, she revealed. "I remember someone
telling me that [turning off the public comments] really lowers your engagement."
Written by: Durkadevi A/P Gopal (StudentINK Writer) 😊
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