
Showing posts from September, 2021

I'm never going back to physical class!

 I'm never going back to physical class! Wow, time really flies and here I am, in the first week of the final academic semester of my degree life, before heading for an internship from January to April 2022. Meaning, I will not have the opportunity to have physical class. Let me share my experience after 1 week of an online class in my final academic semester. I’ve categorized my thoughts and feelings into happy things and my obstacles. In fact, these are the pointers that I’ve shared with my online counselor during our counseling session. Happy things that happened in week 1 1. All 10 am class Well, I have been suffering from insomnia. Hence, 10 am classes from Monday to Friday sound like a great deal to me. In short, I am thankful for this timetable arrangement because I will not need to force myself up for 8 am or 9 am classes. 2. Meeting new people I started my course in January 2020 and classes have been conducted virtually since mid-March 2020. Besides, I’ve been taking class...

A Dark Hallway

  InkSpill Competition - Writer of the Month!  Whispers echoed along the unilluminated hallway; I could feel people watching and talking about me. It was too dark for me to see anything, but did I really want to know what was in the dark?            Feeling overwhelmed, sad and anxious, I didn’t know what to do. I had been here for so long and I was unsure if I even made any progress in my journey. This dark hallway just seemed so endless, just when I thought I reached the end, there was always another turn. “When will I ever reach a less gloomy hallway?” I thought to myself. I blamed myself for being here, although it was never my choice, to begin with. I often hear voices calling me slurs and a disappointment, trying to break me. When they do, I crash and fall in silence, I didn’t want to call for help because I knew that nobody would care enough to show up and I would just be let down. These voices convinced me that no on...

A Dark Hallway

InkSpill Competition - Writer of the Month!  [Goodness] In the dark hallway, I see a light. A light so bright, I cannot shy away. I see hope, I see promises. Up the slope, I climb, I am astonished. Astonished by the goodness, Admonished was the ID. In a game of chess, Two winners are forbidden. Who should win in this hallway? The ID or the Superego? Should your conscience be prey? Kill your inner Draco. [Temptation] To be feared or loved? To be supreme or to rust? Even an angel was shoved, It’s now the power that I lust. In this hallway I see passion, Fires of ambition and refashion. Inn for the Machiavellis, Choirs of glory awaiting me. Respect is what I demand, Power is what I crave. I give thee to command, Thy obedience is what I enslave. [Consciousness] In this dark hallway, My brain is beating. Who should come out to play? I don’t want them to compete. To embody Heyoka or Machiavelli? That is my constant battle. Written By: Hannah Ee (StudentInk 🥺🤍)

What does Friendship Mean to You?

InkSpill Competition What does friendship mean to me? Hmm…that’s a tough question. Nah, just kidding! Friendship is the most important aspect of my life. I’m not just talking about any friendship in general, I meant the legit ‘ride or die' kind of friendship. To me, friendship is about finding someone who shares the same interests as you and obviously also embracing the differences. It is about having someone to call at 1am and just talk about life till the wee hours in the morning. Friendship is about telling all your secrets to them and trusting them that the secret remains between the both of you. What I cherish the most in a friendship is that having that ONE person who sticks by your side no matter what through thick and thin and is a phone call away. The kind of friendship where they will stand up for you and have your back when you’re not around.  Enough about blabbering on the importance of a friendship. Let me share my story about my friendship with you. Now, I won’t me...

What does Friendship Mean to You?

InkSpill Competition What does friendship mean to you?  By what state, do you call a person friend?  Meet each other every day? Have mutual interest? Feel comfortable hanging out together? To be honest, I have no idea what actual "friendship" is as well…   Friendship, can be a simple definition of a close relationship between two people; Yet, I overthink a lot. It might sound awkward, but I have different meanings for every type of friend.    University-friend, Work-friend, Online friend, Real-life friend, and the only one best friend.    You might think and ask, "What's the difference? They are all your friends."  Nope, that's not how it works for me.   University and work-friends are people I meet almost every day yet not with deep connection. Barely talk about personal issues except for university and work-related topics.   What about an Online-friend VS a Real-life-friend? This is the question I usually doubt of myself. I have the sa...